Rowan leaves laid around hole, made in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in West Bretton, England, is one of Andy Goldsworthy’s most intriguing pieces and my favorite artwork of his. This piece is extremely eye catching because he has found intense brightly colored leaves to use as a medium. Deep red, hot ginger, and golden yellow foliage form a spinning circle that immediately is striking to me. The fact that the color is so well blended also adds to the aesthetic attractiveness of this photograph. This piece as a whole is appealing to me because of the powerful color and fine gradation.
Even though Rowan leaves laid around hole, photographed October 25th, 1987, is one of Goldsworthy’s older works, the themes found in this work can also be found in his more recent work today. There are two specific reoccurring topics that often appear in his work, mortality and repetition. The fact the Goldsworthy’s art is transient gives the viewer the feel of humanity, the idea that the materials have a state of being, certain to die eventually. He also uses repetition to keep the viewer’s eye captivated by moving it around the picture. Repetition and mortality, as themes, have been strongly expressed in all of his productions.
heyy... thanks
this was really helpful for my assignment.
i liked how you put your own opinions in at the same time. it was more understanding than other info you find on google. :)
thank you for this information
thanx- really helpful to my art homework
Sick man lol that was actually helpful though!!!!
thnx sik fam neaded it 4 my mum bc shes ill and her car needed cleening
thanks there is hardly any websites with info on this work like this, if you can put more on this work that would be great
Would you say this was a passive artwork?
what does the hole mean?
What is the black hole in the middle made out of?
Does anyone know the size of this artwork, not the photograph?
The size of the piece is 76cm x 74.5 cm...
Thank you very helpful
what did the artist (Andy Goldsworhy) say about this piece of art work.
ya aye boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii do u even lift bro sniff
very good website :-)
Thanks a lot this was very helpful for my Art & Design Artist Research Thanks a lot for your help. It was more understanding when you shared you thoughts about Andy Goldsworth and his art work (Rowan Leaves and Hole).
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